
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

… Jeg forsøgte, og jeg vil egentlig også gerne blive ved – men jeg har simpelthen ikke tid eller overskud til det. Derfor bliver dette min sidste post – det var hyggeligt så længe det stod på :)  Ciao!

I tried, and I would actually like to continue – but I simply don’t have the time. This is for that reason, also my last little post! It was fun as long as it lasted… Ciao :)

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slow slow slow

…. everything is way to slow these days – my brain is slow, my schoolwork proceeds slowly, and my blog even more so!

I apologise, but it will be slow for a while… I have a lot of assignments to finish, not to mention a wedding to plan and a kitchen that needs the final touches! There’s simply not enough hours in the day.

Hope to return back to the surface soon :)

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Exam time…

This will be a really short post – I know I haven’t posted for a while. My boyfriend and I have been away for New Year and just returned yesterday – I love to go away, but by the end of it I really look forward to getting back to my owm bed and house again :)

Anyway I  thought I should post a little something, I have to hand an assignment in tomorrow for my coming exam, and unfortunately it doesn’t write itself unaided – so I need to get started!

I have however found a coulpe of nice sites that might be worth checking out:

Inspirational spaces: Photographer Elizabeth Hudson posts pictures of houses, they are beautiful and definitely worth looking at – and as the name of the blog, they truly are inspirational spaces.

Wonderwall: Swedish Company, specialising in art prints – at fairly affordable prices.

All Green Things: If you, like me, like eco friendly and sustainable living then you should have a look at this website – there’s a lot of good inspiration to be found even if you’re not out to buy stuff. These guys has also got a blog that might be worth a look.

It’s not much – but I have to finish that assignment! So take care until next time.

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