
Archive for the ‘Sustainable Design’ Category


I have a radio in each room – almost! I listen to the radio when I take my shower, when I have my breakfast, when I cook dinner… you name it, I use the radio a lot. And today I saw this little beauty in my magazine:

It’s even so high-tec that you can hook your iPod up as well! Another great thing is that it is Fairtrade. The radios are produced by Indonesian carpenters, and what ever money they make of the sales is channelled back into Indonesia to fund local projects. So not only does it look pretty, it makes you feel good too :)

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I have just watched a programme on the houses of tomorrow…. and what an eyeopener! There’s is so much new technology out there – it is fascinating!!!!

My favorite of them all, was a house by Luigi Colani called Rotor House – it is produced by Hanse Haus. It’s basically a tiny house with all your essential utilities (bathroom, kitchen and bedroom) tucked away in a 6 square meter rotating core of the house – so futuristic and so much fun, the house itself apparently is only 6×6 meters! I’d love to try and stay in one, because it’s one thing to see it on TV, quite another to actually try it – how functional is it really? The good thing about it is that you can combine it, so you can get two (or more) Rotor Houses and put them together to create more living space – for instance for a family.

Designboom has written a little bit about the house – see the pictures below:

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Hanging garden

I had to steal this idea – it is wonderful! I came across it on the website for Rum. It is indoor plants redefined. The idea has been hatched by Patrick Morris, from Morris Design Office. The thought is that not only will the hanging pots clear the floor space, but they will also help to improve the indoor climate of the living space – WOW!

I am amazed, and very curious – I want to find out if it really does work! Is it drip free as they say, and will my plants last longer – they only need watered once every 20-30 days and use 90% less water than usual plants… I might just need to get one, to try it out for myself!

The website (Morris design office) will redirect you to online dealers too.

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It had to be mentioned – I live in Denmark, and I am also very interested in sustainable design! In relation to that I must obviously be somewhat concerned about the climate changes we hear about every day. So I cannot not mention COP15. For those who might not know; COP15 is United Nations Climate Change Conference, and this year Denmark has the pleasure of hosting the conference. I am interested in climate, and I think it is worrying to hear what impact the consumer culture has on the world we live in.

When all that is said and done, I think that most of this has the resemblance of mass hysteria! So when I think of the climate, and what I can do to help from day to day I think about consumerism – I think about using, reusing and recycling. It doesn’t take up all my time, and I am not 100% green… it’s a work in progress!

There is however many, many green opportunities out there – and I believe that every little bit helps. So I have found a couple of things to help make your conscience a little greener:

The bamboo bowls and the palmleaf plates are from Ecoloco, and the shopping bag is from Envirosax. The palmleaf dinnerware can be used as an alternative to disposable plates, as it is 100% biodegradable, and can be trown directly on the compost after use. Or it can even be cleaned and used again and again – as a added bonus, it looks so much better than the classic white cardboard or plastic dinnerware!

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It is no secret, that Christmas is once again closing in on all of us – It should equally be no secret, that Christmas is my favorite time of year… candles flood the little homes, and even though it’s cold outside, it’s warm inside – the warm reds and purple, the metallic gold and silver and the earthy greens and browns are seen all over, and that’s why I think Christmas is so special. Almost everyone make an extra effort, to make the home that little bit more cosy – or as we say in Denmark hyggeligt!

This year I will be the lucky owner of my very own, full-size Christmas tree (grown in my own garden even) and I have been searching high and low for those precious christmas tree ornaments, that I hopefully will be able to use year after year.

One of my favorites this year is from a Danish arts and crafts company called Wauw-Design (website only in danish), they do handmade ceramics, and all the items are therefore unique – they also think about using sustainable methods when they produce their goods, which is another reason why I fell in love with their design. They do much more than christmas ornaments, so the website is worth a visit, even if you’re not as big a fan of christmas as I am.

These are my ornaments from Wauw-Design. They are made out of a white clay, with a shiny ivory-like surface – I can’t wait til I get my tree inside so I can decorate it!

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