
Archive for the ‘Decoration’ Category

…er det ikke det man siger!? Der har været lang tavshed fra min side, jeg har haft utrolig travlt med alt mulig andet – blandt andet at afslutte en bacheloropgave! Det er heldigvis veloverstået, og nu venter en ny og spændende udfordring med en kandidat i virksomhedskommunikation de næste 2 år – det glæder jeg mig rigtig meget til :)

Men jeg starter stille og roligt op igen – med en lille ny ide jeg har fået, nemlig farveplancher! Jeg udvælger en farve og finder forskellige møbler, accesories og lignende i den pågældende farve!

Jeg starter med pink – fordi det er en skøn tøsefarve, og en glad sommerfarve der er smuk til solbrun hud og varme sommernætter:

Jeg har fundet de tingene her hos Stelton, Royal Copenhagen, Envirosax, Kartell samt Stof og Stil.

I know I have been quiet for a looooong time – I have been busy with course work, which has now resulted in a BA :)

As my first post after the “break” I have decided to begin a new thing: I will pick a colour and then find objects in that particular colour – first one is pink. I have chosen pink for its girly qualities, and because it’s a great colour for tanned skin, and hot summernights in front of the BBQ!

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Since my kitchen is getting redone – new colour, new table and new chairs, I thought it would be nice to get a new fruitbowl that matches it all. So I’ve done a little research and found a couple I like, I’ve found it all on Casanova Furniture and the dishtowel is from H&M home collection, I just thought it was so appropriate for the kitchen – because I will always choose to do it later if I can :)

I have two favorites, the Spazio bowl and the Seam bowl – they are  both really beautiful, and yet so simpel. The details on the seam bowl is beautiful. I’d love to fill either of them up with all sorts of colourful fruit :)

I added the hookbook in because I thought it was a great idea – and it looks stunning. I’d love to have one for myself and my boyfriend in the bathroom, there’s space for the soap we each use every day, toothbrush etc. Just the things we need close at hand. It would also work in the hall, the space above the hook could hold keys, change, buspass etc. So versatile – and so beautiful!

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Ice problems

I am not referring to the masses of snow and ice we have in Denmark just now – no I am refering to that ever recurring problem of ice falling out of a jug and into the glass – leaving a circle of splattered water, lemonade, icetea… you name it, all over your table.

Well today I came across this design by Rostislav Materka on Designboom’s website. The elegant design will look beautiful on the table, and it’ll will stop your drink splattering all over your clean tablecloth.

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Sam Baron

I just saw these on designboom’s newsletter and they are FAB!!!! I love them – I realise I say this a lot… well, what can I  say – I’m a loving person :) and I would just LOVE to have these in my house:

Sam Baron is not a designer I have come across before, so I went to have a quick browse on his website – and there’s some truly amazing stuff. So if you, like me, like fun, funky and quirky design have a look here.

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I’m a geek…

… there – it’s public now! But the truth is – I really am a geek, especially when it comes to books!!! I LOVE books – to read them, as well as just to look at them. I think it’s a perfect tool to make a room really cosy. My boyfriend and I have just returned from a short break in Scotland (his home-country) and as always we take a day out (yes literally a day!) to go to a book shop, and we do pretty much spend an entire day in the book shop. This is what we returned with this time (we go crazy, mainly because the books are much cheaper in the UK than in Denmark):

But this also means that we need to start looking for bookcases for our “library” as we are running out of space – quickly!!! I have therefore started looking for bookcases – custom build as well as ready made.

I particualarly like the danish company Montana, the great thing about this is that they have so many different elements, so effectively you can custombuild your own bookcase, they even have a designtool on their website that lets you play around with all the different modules. I had a quick play-around, and this is my first-edition bookcase. I like the fact that you can add splashes of colour in without having to opt for one colour alone:

The problem with these is the price – which is way out of my range just now! So that will have to wait… unfortunately! But luckily for me, Ikea does some really nice bookcases, and the good thing about this particular model is that you can add glass doors, which means that all the books will be a bit more protected against dust etc.:

Not only is this in a price range where almost anyone can play – it has also got the possibility of adding different modules, like the Montana one – albeit not quite as many opportunities as the Montana model. Other option is to get our capenter to build one that fits the allocated book-space perfectly – I am planning to get that priced, but I am not keeping my hopes high on this one, I am not sure we will be able to afford that either just now…. I will keep you posted on the progress :)

Until then, just a little inspiration:

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…what to do, what to do!?

My kitchen is getting redone – or sort of! There’s no ceiling, and a few cabinets are missing – should be back up in a jiffy (or so I was told in november – still waiting for the plumber to come round and fix the leek… all in good time!?) BUT not to worry – there’s no point (gives you wrinkles anyway), there’s always a silver lining, because this means I get to pick out new colours, wallpapers and/or wallstickers for the walls. So I have been browsing the web for inspiration – I can’t think of any better way to spend the rest of my evening! I’ll have sweet dreams about a whole new look in the kitchen… I might not be able to afford changing the whole damn thing, but a splash of paint can work wonders in any old space!

I like colours – especially bright colours, but in moderation. I also like the simple, elegant black and white and the classic scandinavian style. In my kitchen however I’d like something bright. It’s the first place I really spend any time in the morning, and a bright splash is certain to get me in a good mood.

I have been looking at Tapetforums homepage where I found the first 2 wallpaper designs, and I must say I’m in love with the wallpaper from Nina Campbell – the rich colours are gorgeous, although I don’t know if my kitchen would be able to carry it of.

The second design, is also a favorite – my kitchen is much more suited for that particular pattern, and even though it’s not bright as such, the delicate gold pattern gives it a touch of luxury – and as any other girl, I love luxury :) The last design is a wallpaper from Tapet-Caféen, from Cole and Son which I quite like – I don’t know why, it just really appeals to me.

Then on to the wallstickers – I have mentioned Supernice before, and I will mention it again! It’s a great place for wallstickers – check it out, they have got a range of special offers just now. I like wallstickers because it allows you to change the look fairly often, and it doesn’t involve a large investment. You don’t have to repaint an entire wall if you decide that you’re not into that look anymore – you simply peal the sticker off again. Wallstickers are definitely the way to go! The dolls and the NY Skyline I imagine “standing” along the breakfast bar I hopefully will manage to install after the kitchen is finished. The last one in the bunch is from Supernice, but there are many, many more to chose from

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I have for a long time been on the lookout for some unique wall stickers – and I think I might have found just the right place now. On supernice.co.uk you will find a large range of wall stickers – both fab, funky and colourful as well as stylish black and white.

Whatever your taste, I’m sure supernice will have something to your liking!

I have found this little Panda picture, which I think is really good – but you can find many, many more right here.

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I LOVE customization – what better way to make something mainstream into something a little bit more personal…?

I have recently decided to go over to the dark side (according to some) – I have binned my old PC and bought a fantastic MacBook Pro… and I have to be honest and admit that the decision was easy – especially because the Mac is the best looking laptop on the market (I am not a techie, but I’ll be bold and say it anyway – it is also the best performing laptop on the market) – I realise this is a dangerous statement to throw out there, but I absolutely love my Mac and would not swop it for anything!

So why does Mac (or Apple products in general) come up in a post about Customization? Well, because I have a stumpled across a company that does the most stunning stickers for Mac ( and PC) and iPod. So the mainstream, sleek, silver Mac can all of a sudden represent whatever you might wish it to – and THAT is what I love about customization! With one easy stroke you can change everything… Almost!

The company is called gelaskins and they have so many different pieces of “art” to choose from that I promise you it will be hard to pick just one… On the upside I can, from experience, say that the sticker is easy to apply and it doesn’t leave a mark – so get a couple, some days require more colour and pang than others!

If I had to name one personal favorite (I’m not sure it’s possible) but it would have to be BlowFish by Nanami Cowdroy.

Nanami Cowdroy has made a lot of my favorite skins, but this one fits all my criterias! It’s not too overpowering, and it goes with everything! Best of all is the shapes and shades of grey, charcoal and black – with a touch of red – that is like candy for my eyes.

Have a look – see if you can find your favorite!

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Happy birds!

I was given one of these little birds by my grandmother… I love it, and I have recently learned that they have been put back into production – I love the little happy bird! I use it as a quirky extra addition to an otherwise traditional chirstmas tree.Hoptimisterne was first created in 1968 by Hans Gustav Ehrenreich. The shapes and colours are typical for the 70ies – but why not use them as a funky, colourful addition to the christmas decorations in the dark winter months!

You can see and read more about the growing selection of Hoptimister here

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