
Archive for March, 2010

slow slow slow

…. everything is way to slow these days – my brain is slow, my schoolwork proceeds slowly, and my blog even more so!

I apologise, but it will be slow for a while… I have a lot of assignments to finish, not to mention a wedding to plan and a kitchen that needs the final touches! There’s simply not enough hours in the day.

Hope to return back to the surface soon :)

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I have recently come across this little post on Designboom’s website: The hand of the designer – you can find it here.

It is little moleskine notebooks, but printet with original sketches from a number of designers. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to pick your favorite designers brain…. I would love to get my hands on some of these!

I also found a post about this project on www.moleskine.com, the books will be revealed in April on Milan’s Salone del Mobile. There will be books from 150 internationally acknowledged designers!

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I’m still waiting…

… for my newly printet, glossy Wallpaper* Magazine – I’m like a child at Christmas, I know it was out yesterday, so why isn’t it here yet???

Anyway, in the meantime I thought I’d take a look at some of the things coming up at the World Expo in Shanghai (wish I was there – still could be, it starts in 49 days). The Danish Pavilion has this as their intention for the expo: “The Danish pavilion at EXPO Shanghai 2010 offers a genuinely Danish city experience. As a visitor, you will get not only a visual impression of Danish urban life but also an actual chance to feel it. The leading idea is that experience promotes understanding” – it sounds interesting, but how do you achieve that??? I can’t wait to see the pictures – I hope they pull it off well :) So what is a Danish city experience – I have found a couple of pictures from Copenhagen:

Old industrial buildings made into luxury flats; The new Opera House; Nyhavn (New Harbour) – old neighbourhood in Copenhagen; House Boat in one of the canals.

Although this is a very cut down version; and obviously not a full picture of Copenhagen, I think these represent our capital (and other bigger danish cities) – the (eclectic) mix of new and old architecture can easily be found in Århus as well.

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Box de Lux

In addition to the spring post this might be another great way to make the home ready for spring and summer! These wonderful boxes will help you hide any clutter, and they look beautiful – brings a bit of colour to the home too. Even better they can be used for anything from shoes to old bills… who knows, only imagination will be your limit :)

If you are into DIY I bet they are pretty straight-forward to make – just get some old wallpaper, or pretty craftpaper, an old shoebox and some pretty ribbon – and you’re set to go!

You can find Box de Lux’s website here.

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I’m living in constant hope these days – hope that spring is just around the corner… it’s hard to keep that hope up when my little world is covered by a never ending mass of snow! I like the snow – but I like spring too! So to keep up the spirit I went looking for spring-happy items :)

I went looking at Alessi’s website; and I discovered you can search the products by colour, you can find that here – so I did a search for products with happy spring colors:

Alessi always makes me happy with their quirky, humorous design – and for a barbecue in the summer a lot of these items will definitely brighten up the table!

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