
Archive for December, 2009

Before I get started…

…I think it would be appropriate to introduce my blog, and my intentions behind entering the blogging community in the first place. Blogging is all over – and I have a few friends who have started blogging too, and reading their blogs has spiked my interest. I will mainly write in English, with the occasional Danish post as well.

I wanted to create a blog where I could share my biggest passion of all with a bunch of people around the world – I had no interest in starting a blog about my life because, quite frankly, it’s not that interesting (to sum it up: study, work, sleep… in order of appearance)

But I love interior design – all sorts of interior design, from big pieces of furniture, to the smallest knick-knacks – and that’s what I want to share, hopefully with likeminded individuals as well as curious visitors!

Eventually I hope my blog will be a small space of inspiration, a space to go for a snoop when something new is needed to freshen up the livingroom, diningroom etc…. it’s a learning proces – so drop me a comment if you think there’s something I could do better, or if there’s something you really like :)

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Happy birds!

I was given one of these little birds by my grandmother… I love it, and I have recently learned that they have been put back into production – I love the little happy bird! I use it as a quirky extra addition to an otherwise traditional chirstmas tree.Hoptimisterne was first created in 1968 by Hans Gustav Ehrenreich. The shapes and colours are typical for the 70ies – but why not use them as a funky, colourful addition to the christmas decorations in the dark winter months!

You can see and read more about the growing selection of Hoptimister here

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