
Archive for December, 2009

Where do I put my coffee?

I need a coffeetable  – desperately! Since right now my only sidetable/coffeetable is a couple of stools…

So the hunt has started! I have a favorite, but I always think it’s a good thing to look around – what if I find something I like even better than the one I originally thought was my favorite…. It’s that exact attitude that drives my boyfriend mad when we go shopping – because I can’t buy the first coat/trousers/blouse I see, I have to go to at least 2 aditional shops to make sure that the first one I liked, really is the best out of them all :)

But as I said I do have a favorite, it’s Twine Table by the swedish company WIS Design. I love the simple, yet quirky, design. I would like to have two, the smaller one (h 33 cm, dia 50 cm) and the bigger one (h 43 cm, dia 75 cm) – the walls and the floor in my livingroom is brick and dark tiles, with a touch of red to complement it all. The simple tables with the colourful legs would be a perfect addition!

I do, however, have a couple of alternatives to this:

From the left: DLM table by the Danish designer Thomas Bentzen – I like this little table, but I would use it as a sidetable rather than a coffeetable. Because of the handle it will be easy to move around if you’d need to – it comes in a wide range of colours. Then it’s PK71 by another Danish designer, Poul Kjærholm. He is known for his very simple and elegant design. Last it’s the more price friendly Ikea table – I love this little chubby stool. I would get a couple and use them as sidetables. I haven’t seen it “live”, so it’s hard to judge the quality of the wood, but on the picture it looks alright.

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Hanging garden

I had to steal this idea – it is wonderful! I came across it on the website for Rum. It is indoor plants redefined. The idea has been hatched by Patrick Morris, from Morris Design Office. The thought is that not only will the hanging pots clear the floor space, but they will also help to improve the indoor climate of the living space – WOW!

I am amazed, and very curious – I want to find out if it really does work! Is it drip free as they say, and will my plants last longer – they only need watered once every 20-30 days and use 90% less water than usual plants… I might just need to get one, to try it out for myself!

The website (Morris design office) will redirect you to online dealers too.

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Christmas – past

This year is nearly over – Christmas has been and gone, and the body is desperately trying to recover from the excess of food and sweets… I do it every year, eat way to much, then sit on the couch and moan because I have a stomachache. You should think I’d learn, but a year down the line I do the exact same thing again – I hope I am not the only one who’s that silly!

Anyway with Christmas out of the way, I can only be pleased with this years presents – so thank you everyone! My favorites are the Cocoon vase in purple and the Rudolf Hoptimist. The vase is a big brother to one I already have, so they will look fantastic on the table together!

The vase is Cocoon large (26 cm tall) and the one I have is size mini (17 cm tall). Next on the list would be the colour they launched this year – Brandy. Looking at the pictures the colour looks stunning! I’d want to see it “live” first though.
The Rudolf Hoptimist is the cutest thing – it’s a bouncy happy little Christmas decoration, which is going to be used year after year – I love it :)

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Christmas # 3

I have a whole lot of decorations for my christmas tree… but I am missing the most important thing of them all – I have no star to put at the top of tree! And worst of all I don’t know where to find one!?

There’s a few options I have been considering – both traditional and slightly untraditional stars:

From the top: Christmas star from Georg Jensen, it’s been going strong for more than 15 years now. The next star is from Royal Copenhagen – price wise are these two the most expensive ones. But since I am planning to invest in a star that can be used year after year I am not too concerned with the price, as long as it’s a design I really appreciate.

At the bottom is a metalstar from Bloomingville and a star entwinned with pearls.

They are all beautiful – and I really don’t know what to choose… for a quick solution this year I think I might go for the bloomingville star, as it’s within a very reasonable pricerange. But for the long stretch I think I might fall unconditionally in love with the star from Royal Copenhagen. It’s slightly untraditional – but it is still the perfect way to finish of the tree – maybe Santa will bring it along for me for christmas.

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I have for a long time been on the lookout for some unique wall stickers – and I think I might have found just the right place now. On supernice.co.uk you will find a large range of wall stickers – both fab, funky and colourful as well as stylish black and white.

Whatever your taste, I’m sure supernice will have something to your liking!

I have found this little Panda picture, which I think is really good – but you can find many, many more right here.

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When I grow up…

…I want to fill my house with stunning furniture, there is so many different objects out there I would love to buy – but being a student doesn’t leave much room in the budget to buy designer furniture! But hey – there’s nothing wrong with dreams :)

There’s a couple of things I’d love to introduce into my house (actually there are at least a handful of things I’d love to buy – but I’ll start with two):

The Egg by Arne Jacobsen is one of them – that chair is, for me, such a huge part of the danish furniture design history that it can not be ignored.

I am picturing myself in that chair with a good book and a big blanket, all wrapped up in a corner of my library (that also requires a slightly bigger house than the one we have just now).

The Egg was designed in 1958, for the lobby and reception area at the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen. Arne Jacobsen’s design can still be seen there if you visit the hotel – it is worth a look if you are in the neighbourhood. The chair is a classic, and I don’t think it will be taken out of production any time soon.

Charles and Ray Eames designed the second chair in 1950, and it’s a chair I would love to have around my dinningtable – preferably a mix of two or three different colours.

It is almost sculptural, and mixed with a simple dining table, and an old crystal chandelier I am sure it would look stunning.

I might not be the happy owner of these items now or any time soon, but I can still dream… dreams give day to day life that extra sprinkle of fairytales and adventures :)

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Christmas # 2

As mentioned earlier – I love christmas!!!! Which is why I have to spread my christmas posts out – to make sure I cover everything :)

I have once again come across some unusual, but gorgeous christmas tree decorations, I stumpled across them on the Wallpaper*Magazine website. A lot of these ornaments would look great in a window, or on a small branch in the livingroom too! These are from a finnish company called Showroom Finland. It is not a company that specialises in christmas ornaments alone, they have other interesting design objects too. Most of the items are made from wood, and are very clean cut. They are typical for Scandinavian Design – simple yet elegant.

Wallpaper* has a few more pictures of the christmas decorations on their website than what I can find on Showroom Finland’s website. I must admit though, I’ve fallen in love with the simple, almost childlike decorations from Showroom Finland, I think I might have to aquire some for my growing christmas decoration collection:

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It had to be mentioned – I live in Denmark, and I am also very interested in sustainable design! In relation to that I must obviously be somewhat concerned about the climate changes we hear about every day. So I cannot not mention COP15. For those who might not know; COP15 is United Nations Climate Change Conference, and this year Denmark has the pleasure of hosting the conference. I am interested in climate, and I think it is worrying to hear what impact the consumer culture has on the world we live in.

When all that is said and done, I think that most of this has the resemblance of mass hysteria! So when I think of the climate, and what I can do to help from day to day I think about consumerism – I think about using, reusing and recycling. It doesn’t take up all my time, and I am not 100% green… it’s a work in progress!

There is however many, many green opportunities out there – and I believe that every little bit helps. So I have found a couple of things to help make your conscience a little greener:

The bamboo bowls and the palmleaf plates are from Ecoloco, and the shopping bag is from Envirosax. The palmleaf dinnerware can be used as an alternative to disposable plates, as it is 100% biodegradable, and can be trown directly on the compost after use. Or it can even be cleaned and used again and again – as a added bonus, it looks so much better than the classic white cardboard or plastic dinnerware!

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It is no secret, that Christmas is once again closing in on all of us – It should equally be no secret, that Christmas is my favorite time of year… candles flood the little homes, and even though it’s cold outside, it’s warm inside – the warm reds and purple, the metallic gold and silver and the earthy greens and browns are seen all over, and that’s why I think Christmas is so special. Almost everyone make an extra effort, to make the home that little bit more cosy – or as we say in Denmark hyggeligt!

This year I will be the lucky owner of my very own, full-size Christmas tree (grown in my own garden even) and I have been searching high and low for those precious christmas tree ornaments, that I hopefully will be able to use year after year.

One of my favorites this year is from a Danish arts and crafts company called Wauw-Design (website only in danish), they do handmade ceramics, and all the items are therefore unique – they also think about using sustainable methods when they produce their goods, which is another reason why I fell in love with their design. They do much more than christmas ornaments, so the website is worth a visit, even if you’re not as big a fan of christmas as I am.

These are my ornaments from Wauw-Design. They are made out of a white clay, with a shiny ivory-like surface – I can’t wait til I get my tree inside so I can decorate it!

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I LOVE customization – what better way to make something mainstream into something a little bit more personal…?

I have recently decided to go over to the dark side (according to some) – I have binned my old PC and bought a fantastic MacBook Pro… and I have to be honest and admit that the decision was easy – especially because the Mac is the best looking laptop on the market (I am not a techie, but I’ll be bold and say it anyway – it is also the best performing laptop on the market) – I realise this is a dangerous statement to throw out there, but I absolutely love my Mac and would not swop it for anything!

So why does Mac (or Apple products in general) come up in a post about Customization? Well, because I have a stumpled across a company that does the most stunning stickers for Mac ( and PC) and iPod. So the mainstream, sleek, silver Mac can all of a sudden represent whatever you might wish it to – and THAT is what I love about customization! With one easy stroke you can change everything… Almost!

The company is called gelaskins and they have so many different pieces of “art” to choose from that I promise you it will be hard to pick just one… On the upside I can, from experience, say that the sticker is easy to apply and it doesn’t leave a mark – so get a couple, some days require more colour and pang than others!

If I had to name one personal favorite (I’m not sure it’s possible) but it would have to be BlowFish by Nanami Cowdroy.

Nanami Cowdroy has made a lot of my favorite skins, but this one fits all my criterias! It’s not too overpowering, and it goes with everything! Best of all is the shapes and shades of grey, charcoal and black – with a touch of red – that is like candy for my eyes.

Have a look – see if you can find your favorite!

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